четверг, 29 апреля 2021 г.

Physical Evidence

 2 курс

Тема 16Physical Evidence

   The finding, collecting and preservation of physical evidence are the most important phases in a criminal investigation.
   Physical evidence is of value only if it helps prove a case or clear a suspect. The most valuable evidence may be worthless if inefficiently handled. In general, the term “chain of evidence” may be defined as the documentation of every article of evidence, from the point of initial discovery at a crime scene, to its collection and transport to a laboratory, its temporary custody and its final disposition. Within this context, it is natural that:— the admissibility of the information derived from any article of evidence be directly proportional to and fully dependent on the manner and precautions taken to ensure that the evidence presented to a court has been protected; — there be no viable alternative to a strong chain of evidence. It is not always possible to know whether or not an object has evidential value until it is analyzed. For example, one is generally unable to see all the details in a shoe imprint until a cast has been made and that cast compared with the shoe. In collecting any object of possible evidential value an officer should keep in mind the importance of the following:
1. The possibilities of fingerprints being found on it.
2. The chances of certain pieces of microscopic debris, such as hair, blood, paint, fibres, etc., adhering to it.
3. How that article should be removed, marked, packaged and transported.
  Physical evidence is something that is concrete, something that can generally be measured, photographed, analyzed, and presented as a physical object in court.
   Circumstantial evidence is a specific circumstance. For example, a suspect might be accused of burglary, and the shoes he is wearing are proved to have made certain impressions found at the scene of a crime. The shoes and the imprint are physical evidence, while the fact that the suspect was wearing the shoes when arrested is circumstantial evidence. Someone else could have worn the shoes at the time the burglary was committed, therefore that type of evidence is circumstantial.
   If there are witnesses, the investigator needs corroborative evidence; if there are no witnesses, the entire case must often be proved through physical evidence alone. Alone piece of evidence, because of its great intrinsic value and the impossibility of being duplicated, may be sufficiently important to warrant a conviction — for example, a fingerprint. At other times it may be a combination of a number of articles of physical evidence, none of which are conclusive, that proves the case.
The intrinsic value of physical evidence often depends on its location. A hat on one’s head has little significance but if it is found beside a murder victim it might become of great importance.
  There is no such thing as a perfect crime, a crime that leaves no traces  there is only the inability to find the evidence.
    When the investigating officer arrives at a crime scene it is necessary that he should first protect the scene and prevent anybody from touching any object. The preliminary survey is to acquaint the investigating officer with the entire scene and its important details. After he has completed his preliminary survey the photographer may go to work. It is important that the investigator should accompany the photographer, pointing out various objects of possible evidential value. He should note possible location o f latent prints (invisible prints), and guard against contamination of such objects and surfaces. After the general scene has been completely photographed, the officer with casting equipment casts all possible imprints, if such are present, and then the fingerprint man should work on various objects. He should also note movable objects where fingerprints may be found, and should carefully remove them to a safe place
for dusting and developing later. As the fingerprint man completes his work, the investigator may go to work thoroughly searching the scene of possible evidential value. As evidence is found, it should be marked, carefully packaged, each article separately, and placcd in some locality where it will not be destroyed or contaminated, until it is transported to a laboratory.

(“Scientific Investigation and Physical Evidence”, L. V. Jones)
none o f which are — ни один из которых
conclusive — here: убедительный

Ex.1. найдите синонимичные пары
to look for, to analyze, a possibility, custody, latent, impressions, a picture, a dactyloscopic expert, to search for, an article, a criminal, a probability, to examine, imprints, a photograph, preservation, invisible, an item, a fingerprint man, a perpetrator.

Ex.2. найдите эквиваленты
доказать дело, снять подозрения с подозреваемого, ценные вещественные доказательства, сделать слепок, косвенные улики, кража со взломом, убийство, подтверждающие доказательства, предварительный осмотр места происшествия, изъять предметы, уничтожить или загрязнить улики, осматривать место происшествия в целях нахождения отпечатков пальцев, жертва, доказывать дело лишь с помощью вещественных доказательств, оберегать место происшествия, закончить предварительный осмотр, отметить расположение отпечатков пальцев, дактилоскопист, обработать порошком, промаркировать улики, упаковать улики.

Ex. 3. образуйте все возможные словосочетания
prints (скрытые, видимые, невидимые, пластичные)
evidence (вещественные, косвенные, прямые, подтверждающие,
fingerprints (найти, обработать порошком, проявить, подделать) evidence (искать, измерять, извлекать, разрушать, загрязнять, собирать)
the scene o f the crime (осматривать, охранять, фотографировать)

Ex. 4. закончите предложения, используя слова в скобках: (circumstantial, value, a cast, examined, the preliminary survey, to clear, contamination, to prove, marked, fingerprints, gathering, removed, corroborative, to protect).
1. Physical evidence is of value only if it helps ... a case o r ... a suspect.
2. The first phase in handling physical evidcncc is ... all potential evidence at the scene of a crime.
3. If a shoe imprint is found at the crime scene, ... should be made and
compared with the shoe.
4. ... may be found on any object of possible evidential value.
5. No article should be moved or touched until it has been photographed
and ... for fingerprints.
6. If there arc no witnesses, the investigator needs ... evidence.
7. The first responsibility of an officer is ... the crime scene.
8. The investigating officer should prevent ... of objects which may bear
9. After being photographed objects where fingerprints may be found
should be carefully ... from the scene.
10. When the fingerprint man completes his work, the investigating officer
should examine the scene for articles of possible evidential....
11. All evidence found at the scene of a crime should be ... and packaged
carefully and transported to a laboratory.
12. The aim of ... is to acquaint the investigator with the entire crime scene and its important details.
13. Besides physical and corroborative there is also ... evidence.

Ex. 5.прочитайте и скажите верно или неверно утверждение, если неверно исправьте:
1. The investigator always knows whether or not an object has evidential
2. The investigator should handle objects at the scene o f a crime with great care.
3. Objects from the crimc scene should be removed and then photographed and examined.
4. Physical cvidcncc is something that can be presented in court as a
physical object.
5. Circumstantial cvidcncc has no absolute evidential value.
6. A lone piece o f evidence is always enough to prove a case.
7. Corroborative evidence is needed when there arc no witnesses.
8. On arriving at a crimc scene the officer should first remove objects of
possible evidential value.
9. The investigating officer’s duty is to protect objects which may bear
10. The aim o f the preliminary survey is to note the location of separate
11. As articles o f evidential value arc found, they should be transported to a laboratory.
12. The investigator should prevent evidence from being contaminated.

Ex. 6. ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
1. What are the most important phases o f a criminal investigation?
2. Why should an officer keep in mind that any article on the crimc scene
should be handled with great care?
3. What docs the term “chain o f evidence” define?
4. What types o f evidence do you know?
5. What is physical evidence?
6. In what way is circumstantial evidence different from physical evidence?
7. When is corroborative evidence very important?
8. What is the first responsibility o f an officer at a crime scene?
9. What is the aim o f preliminary investigation?
10. How should the investigating officer conduct the examination o f the
crime sccne?
11. What should be done with physical evidence found at a crime scene?

Ex. 7. Read the definitions and give the name o f the corresponding actions or notions. 
1. All articles found at the scene of a crime which help prove a case are called ....
2. The prints o f the hands left by a criminal on objects which he touched
during the commission of the crime are called ... .
3. The process o f observing the whole o f the crime scene and noting the
location of its objects is called ....
4. The process of using special powder to develop latent prints is called ....
5. A person who can give information about the crimc or the criminal is
called a ....
6. An imprint left by the criminal which cannot be seen without special
techniques is called ....

Ex. 8. Explain what is:
1) physical evidence;
2) circumstantial evidence;
3) corroborative evidence;
4) a fingerprint;
5) a latent print;
6) contamination o f evidence;
7) the preliminary survey.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Следователь должен собрать всe вещественные улики на месте
2. Во время предварительного осмотра следователь знакомится с
местом происшествия и его деталями.
3. Цель вещественных улик — обеспечить доказывание.
4. Полицейский должен обеспечить сохранность места происшествия.
5. Каждый преступник оставляет следы.
6. Предметы на месте преступления нельзя трогать, поскольку на них могут быть отпечатки пальцев.
7. Все предметы, на которых могут быть скрытые отпечатки, следует осторожно изъять с места происшествия.
8. Если есть отпечатки обуви, с них следует сделать слепки.
9. Все вещественные улики, найденные на месте происшествия,
должны быть промаркированы, упакованы и отправлены в лабораторию.

London 1 курс Lesson 13


 1 курс Lesson 13 

1)Текст прочитать, перевести и пересказать!!! 2) Ответить на вопросы по тексту!!!

Тема: Работа с текстом LONDON.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic, and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million.
London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End, and the East End.
The heart of London is the City, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices, and firms are situated there, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, and the Old Bailey. Few people live here, but over a million people come to the City to work. There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. Perhaps the most striking of them is the St. Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison. Now it is a museum.
Westminster is the governmental part of London.
Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers, poets, and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling, etc.
Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big bell, known as "Big Ben". Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.
The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs, and theatres are situated there.
The Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square.
On the north side of the Trafalgar Square is the National Portrait Gallery. Not far away is the British Museum — the biggest museum in London. It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures, etc, and is also famous for its library.
There are a lot of factories, workshops, and docks in the East End.


1. Is London the largest city in the world?
2. What's the population of London?
3. Traditionally London is divided into four parts. Can you name them?
4. What do you know about the City?
5. Who was the St. Paul's Cathedral built by?
6. Who founded the Tower of London? When was it rebuilt?
7. What is the governmental part of London?
8. What building has more historic associations than any other building in London?
9. What is Big Ben?
10. Can you describe the Trafalgar Square?
11. Where do the working people of London live?
12. What are the most famous London museums and art galleries?

Достопримечательности Лондона.                             
Работа с текстом From the history of London.
Present Perfect.

From the history of London.

In the year 55 before our era a Roman legion headed by Julius Cesar crossed the English Channel that divides the British Isles from the continent of Europe. Having landed in Britain the Romans founded a military station on the northern bank of the river Thames. Being skilled in the art of building they started fortifying their settlements with thick massive walls and laying roads across the country leading to the sea coast. After staying in Britain for two centuries the Romans returned to the continent having left behind excellent roads and strong fortifications. One of the Roman settlements was called Londinium Augusta. Four centuries later, according to some historians, the capital of Britain was founded in its locality, part of the Roman wall still lying deep under the ground beneath modern London.
No other ancient monuments of Roman times have remained in the city. The earliest historical monument of English architecture is the so called Tower of London which has retained its name up to the present day. Being erected on the ruins of a Roman fortress, it consists of parts belonging to different periods of English history, its central and most ancient part being the huge square tower four story high. It was called the White Tower, deriving its name from the white stone it was built of. The White Tower was surrounded with a double row of walls with smaller towers forming the inner and outer court with the scaffold in the back of it.

4. Посмотрите видео о достопримечательностях Лондона.

Fill in the missing words according to the video!


1.London is the …           of the United Kingdom.

2. The city is ….          on the river …    . 

3.    …       is a symbol of London.

4.  There are …          towers in the Bridge.

5. The tower was once a  ….,         a….,           a ….  and a zoo.

6.  Tower consists of ……. towers.

7.  Westminster Palace is the seat of the British ….    .

8.  There are two chambers:  the…..                , the …..    

9.   Big Ben is the largest  …..       in England.

10. Buckingham palace is the official ….     residence.

Answer some questions:

 1. How many rooms are there in the Buckingham palace?

2. Where is the flag?

3. What does it mean when the flag is down? 

4. How many streets does the Trafalgar Square connect?

5.What was Trafalgar Square named after?

6. What is the biggest English church?

7. Who is the acrchitect of St. Paul's Cathedral?

8. Where famous British persons are buried?

9. Where were crowned all English kings and queens?

10. Where is buried Queen Elisabeth I?


3. Выучить слова. Подготовиться к словарному диктанту. 
numerous — многочисленный
ancient — древний, старинный
striking — поразительный, замечательный
to found — основывать
fortress — крепость
royal — королевский
to crown — короновать
outstanding — выдающийся
statesman — государственный деятель
to bury — хоронить
tower — башня
official residence — официальная резиденция
wealth — богатство
luxury — роскошь
in memory of— в память о
to contain — содержать
priceless — бесценный
palace - дворец
capital - столица

Вперед по ссылке)) узнаете много нового!

Выполнить тест письменно для повторения пройденного материала. 
1. ....  is the largest country in the world.
A) Russia 
B) China
C) America
2. Great Britain is washed by the ..... Sea.
A) Northern
B) Mediterranean 
C) Baltic
3. In its narrowest part the English Channel is called …
A) La Manche
B) the Thames
C) the Straight of Dover
4. The UK consists of … parts.
A) three
B) four
C) five
5. Northern Ireland is a part of … .
A) Great Britain
B) the UK
C) the Irish Republic
6. People living in Scotland are called … .
A) Irish
B) Scottish
C) English
7. The United Kingdom is a … monarchy.
A) absolute
B) state
C) constitutional
8. The island of Great Britain is surrounded … water.
A) by
B) from
C) with
9. The climate on the British Isles is generally … .
A) severe
B) continental
C) mild
10. The longest river in the UK is … .
A) the Thames
B) the Severn
C) Thames
11.  … occupies a vast territory.
B) Mongolia
C) Russia
12. The ...  climate is coldest one.
A) tropical
B) arctic 
C) highland
13. The USA is surrounded  by the ..... Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
A) Indian
B) Pacific
C) Arctic
14. Arbat is … street of Moscow.
A) the longest
B) the most famous
C) the most long
15. The City is the … of the UK.
A) financial center
B) Stock Exchange
C) heart
16. Moscow is … city in Russia.
A) the largest
B) large
C) the larger
17. Moscow was founded … Yury Dolgoruky.
A) by
B) –
C) with
18. … can't call London a typical English city.
A) Nobody
B) One
C) Somebody
19. The island of Great Britain is divided … three parts.
A) into
B) to
C) in
20. In Britain people ... on the right.
a) are driving
b) drives
c) drive
21. The  ...  is the longest river in Europe.
a) Volga
b) Amur
c) Ob
22. ...  is the highest mountain in Russia.
a) Elbrus
b) Kazbek
c) Shkhara
23. The  ...  is the heart of Moscow.
a) Kremlin
b) Ermitage
c) Moscow City
24. ... Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in ... .
a) Moscow
b) London
c) Paris
25. He was in ... last year. It is the capital of Northern Ireland
a) Belfast
b) Cardiff
c) Edinburgh

Тест по страноведению

Примечание: данный тест целесообразно провести с целью оценки качества усвоения обучающимися страноведческого материала по теме «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland» («Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»)

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the official name of the country which language we study?

a) Great Britain

b) England

c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

a) five

b) three

c) four

3. What is the capital of England?

a) Glasgow

b) London

c) Leeds

4. What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Manchester

b) Edinburgh
c) Stradford-on-Avon

5. What is the capital of Wales?

a) Sydney

b) Cardiff

c) Liverpool

6. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

a) Edinburgh

b) Dublin

c) Belfast

7. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom?

a) a bald eagle

b) a white bear

c) a grey mouse

8. How is the British national flag called?

a) the Union Jack

b) the St. Andrew's Cross

c) the St. Patrick's Cross

9. What is the floral symbol of England?

a) a shamrock

b) a red rose

c) a green apple

10. What is the floral symbol of Scotland?
a) a daffodil

b) a sunflower

c) a thistle

11. What are the emblems of Wales?

a) a shamrock, a clover and and hand

b) a rose and the Saint George's cross

c) a dragon, a daffodil, a leek

12. What is the floral symbol of Northern Ireland?

a) a shamrock

b) a red rose

c) a thistle

13. Who is the head of the UK?

a) a Prime Minister

b) a President

c) a king/queen

14. Where does the British Prime Minister live and work?

a) at 10 Downing Street

b) in the Tower

c) in Buckingham Palace

15. What natural resources are the most profitable for the British economy?

a) coal reserves

b) oil reserves

c) water

16. How can people cross the English Channel?

a) through the Channel Tunnel (the Channel)

b) on foot

c) by boat

17.What is the busiest airport in Great Britain?

a) Heathrow Airport

b) Gatwick Airport

c) Vnukovo Airport

18.What is the highest mark in British schools?

a) A b) С с) B

19.What universities in the United Kingdom are the most famous?

a) Oxford University and Cambridge University

b) London University and Harvard University

c) Bristol University and Cambridge University
Where does Queen Elizabeth II live in London?

a) in the Tower of London

b) in Westminster Abbey

c) in Buckingham Palace

21. Where is Nelson's Column situated?

a) in St. James`Park

b) in Trafalgar Square

c) In Fleet Street

22. The ravens are a famous sight, of....

a) the Tower of London

b) London zoo

c) Hyde Park

23. Scottish surnames begin with....
a) O'

b) Mac or Me

c) de

24. What is the Scottish national costume for men?

а) the deerstalker

b) the bearskin

с) the kilt

25. What lake does a famous Scottish monster Nessie live in?

a) Lough Bay

b) Loch Lomond

c) Loch Ness

26. What river flows in London)

a) the Severn

b) the Nile

c) the Thames

27. What do English people usually drink for breakfast?

a) white coffee

b) apple juice

c) tea with milk

28. What is traditional English money?

a) pound

b) krona

c) dollar

29) What weather is typically British?

a) hot and sunny

b) rainy and foggy

c) dry and frosty

30. What famous writer is an English one?

a) Jack London

b) W. Shakespeare

c) E. Hemingway