воскресенье, 5 декабря 2021 г.

Времена глагола в английском языке таблица.!!!!!!!!

       Таблица времен английского языка. Настоящее время.                                               

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Как образовать?

+ V/V(e)s

I go to school every day.

Моlly goes to school every day

-don’t/doesn’t V

I don’t go to school every day.

Molly doesn’t go to school every day.

? Do/Does + S +V

Do you go to school every day?

Does Molly go to school every day?



Как образовать?

+ am/is/are Ving.

I am sitting.

She is singing.

They are playing.

-am/is /are not +Ving

I am not playing.

He isn’t watching.

We are not listening.

? Am / Is /Are + S+ Ving

Am I sitting?

Is she listening?

Are they singing? 


Как образовать?

+ have/has +V3

I have watched this film.

She has done her homework.

-have/has not +V3

I haven’t met her before

He has not watched the film.

? Have/Has +S+V3.

Have we met before?

Has Molly read this book?



Как образовать?

+ have / has been Ving

I have been working.

She had been waiting.

-Have/has not been Ving

I haven’t been waiting for you.

She hasn’t been running.

? Have/ has + S+ been Ving

Have you been working all day long?

Has he been running?



Когда употреблять?

·         Обычное, регулярно повторяющееся действие.

Molly often visits her granny.

·         Расписание.

The ship leaves at 8 sharp.

·         Факты, законы природы.

It often rains in autumn.



Когда употреблять?

·         Действие происходит (длится) в данный момент.

She is watching TV now.

·         Действие происходит в данный период.

I am reading M.Twain these days.

·         Запланированное действие.

I'm flying to Madrid.


Когда употреблять?

·      Действие завершено, но нет указание на момент совершения.

She has done her homework.

·      Действие завершено, нет указания на момент совершения и есть результат важный в данный момент.

I have bought some flour, so we can bake a cake.


Когда употреблять?

·         Действие, которое длилось до настоящего момента (возможно, действие продолжается и сейчас).

She has been waiting for you for 3 hours.




Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

Usually, generally, once a month, twice a week, always, every day/week/month, never, often, seldom,

sometimes, rarely


Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

Now, at the moment, at present


Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

lately, recently, twice, several times, ever, never, just, already, yet, for, since


Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

For, since


Таблица времен английского языка. Прошедшее время.

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Как образовать?

+ V2

I played hockey.

Molly went to the zoo.

-didn’t +V

I didn’t play hockey.

Molly didn’t go to the zoo.

? Did +S+V

Did you play tennis?

Did Sara go to the zoo?

Как образовать?


She was sleeping.

They were dancing

-          was/were not Ving

She was not crying.

We were not waiting for him.

? Was /were +S+Ving

Was she writing a letter?

Were you dreaming?

Как образовать?

+Had +V3

I had done my homework by 6 o’clock.

-          Had not +V3

She hadn’t finished cooking before her mother came.

? Had +S+V3

Had she come before midnight?

Как образовать?

+Had been Ving

I had been crying before he came.

-          had not +S+ been Ving

I hadn’t been cooking by midnight.

? Had + S + been + Ving

Had she been crying till midnight?

Когда употреблять?

·         Обычное единичное действие в прошлом.

I visited my granny last month.

·         Цепь событий в прошлом.

I opened my bag, found the key and started the car.

Когда употреблять?

·         Действие, которое длилось в определенный момент прошлого.

She was dancing at 5 o'clock yesterday.

She was sleeping when her brother came.

Когда употреблять?

·         Действие закончилось до момента в прошлом.

I had watched the film before we went to the cinema.

She had fallen asleep before midnight yesterday.

Когда употреблять?

·         Действие длилось до момента в прошлом.

Sally had been waiting for half an hour and then she decided to go home. 

Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

yesterday, last (that) month, the day before yesterday, last (that) week\month\year, in 2010, on the 10 of April, ago

Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

all day /night long, at that moment/time, while, at 5 o'clock, when +Past Simple


Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

By, by the time, before

Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.

all day long, by, before, since, for, till


Таблица времен английского языка. Будущее время.


Future Simple

Future Continuous

Future Perfect

Future Perfect Continuous

Как образовать?

+ will V

I will stay with you forever.

-won’t (will not) V

Не won’t help you.

? Will +S+V

Will you come to my party?


Как образовать?

+will be Ving

I will be reading at 2 o’clock tomorrow.

-Won’t be Ving

She won’t be sleeping if you come later.

? Will +S+be Ving

Will you be waiting for me?


Как образовать?

+Will have +V3

I will have read the book by tomorrow.

-Won’t have V3

She won’t have cooked dinner by that time.

Will+ S+have V3

Will you have finished homework by midnight?


Как образовать?

+ will have been Ving

I will have been waiting for you till midday.

-won’t have been Ving

I won’t have been reading for so long.

? Will +S + have been doing

Will you have been doing your homework till 5 o’clock?


Когда употреблять?

·         Одиночные или последовательные действия в будущем

I will meet you at the station.

She will come home and then she will take a shower.




Когда употреблять?

·         Действие длится в определенный момент будущего.

I will be lying on the beach at this time tomorrow.

Когда употреблять?

·         Действие закончится до момента в будущем.

I will have written all the letters by 5pm.


Когда употреблять?

·         Действие длится до момента в будущем.

Molly will have been living in Kongo for three years next November.


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