четверг, 24 сентября 2020 г.

Порядок слов в английском предложении

Подлежащее + сказуемое + прямое дополнение

В обычном утвердительном предложении подлежащее ставится непосредственно перед сказуемым (глаголом). Прямое дополнение, когда оно есть, идет сразу после глагола. 


They bought a car. — Они купили машину.
We can’t do that. — Мы не можем этого сделать.
The girl in a blue dress was playing the piano. — Девочка в синем платье играла на фортепиано. На основе приведенных слов постройте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов:

1. she, won, easily, the game
2. tennis, every weekend, Ken, plays
3. quietly, the door, I, closed
4. his name, after a few minutes, I, remembered
5. a letter to her parents, Ann, writes, every week
6. some interesting books, found, we, in the library
7. across from the park, they, a new hotel, are building
8. to the bank, I, every Friday, go
9. on Saturday night, didn't see, at the party, you, I
10. brightly, is, shining, sun, the
11. in, lives, my, sister, New York
12. a, became, doctor, good, Mary
13. a, decided, go, on, picnic, to, we

3. Отметьте предложения, в которых нарушен порядок слов, и перестройте их в соответствии с правилами:

Образец: Tom walks every morning to work. - Tom walks to work every morning.

1. Jim doesn't like very much baseball.
2. Ann drives every day her car to work.
3. When I heard the news, I immedi¬ately called Tom. (immedi¬ately – сразу)
4. Maria speaks very well English.
5. After eating quickly my dinner, I went out.
6. You watch all the time television.
7. Liz smokes about 20 cigarettes every day.
8. I think I'll go early to bed tonight.
9. You should go to the den¬tist every six months. (should – следует)
10. We went last night to the movies.
11. We go every summer to the sea in August.
12. In the evening my parents go to the cinema with their friends.

4. На основе приведенных слов и словосочетаний постройте предложения, соблюдая правильный порядок слов:

1. always, at nine o'clock, out of the garage, in the morning, gets, his car, he
2. he, into town, after breakfast, often, Mrs Hodges, takes
3. a parking place, near the shops, they, find, rarely
4. sometimes, in a garage, Mr Hodges, his car, parks
5. fly, with my parents, to Florida, sometimes, I, in winter
6. late, came, last year, she, often, to school, in spring
7. often, have, at about three o'clock, a cup of tea, they, at the hotel, in the afternoon
8. meet, at the bar, they, after dinner, always, their friends
9. enjoys, very much, swimming, in our pool, always, in the morning, she
1. Расставьте слова в предложениях по порядку.
usually / at 10 o'clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his bike / Fred
a shower / after dinner / often / Mrs Lewis / takes
a parking place / near the library / we / find / seldom
to / I / on / a / night-club / sometimes / Saturdays / go
fly / my parents / to Australia / sometimes / I / in winter / and
enjoys / very much / swimming / in the pool / always / Mary
hardly / last year / could / skate / I
is / near / house / there / new / a / our / cinema
got / my / problems / I / with / have / home-task / some
well / think / your / very / I / don't / sister / drives
to / parents / once / the theatre / month / my / a / go
his / car / two / ago / Jim / sold / years
necklace / can’t / anywhere / Cindy / her / find
been / to / India / Mike / has / year / already / this
lunch / never / weekdays / she / has / on

2. Переведите.

Телевизор я смотрю редко.
На улице темно, и я скоро поду спать.
Они что-то очень шумно обсуждают в спальне.
Он медленно шел вдоль реки.
На уроках мы часто поем песни.
Я тихо закрыла дверь и сразу же пошла в ванну.
Мой дядя очень любит рыбалку.
Анна умеет хорошо играть в теннис.
Она все время кричит на детей.
Твои книги я положу на стол.
Я недостаточно хорошо его знаю.
По телевизору много хороших фильмов сегодня.
В парке есть красивый фонтан.
В прошлый вторник было очень ветрено.
Эти туфли я купила в Италии.

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