четверг, 10 декабря 2020 г.

Present Continuous Passive and Past Continious Passive

Образование Present continuous passive


To be +being+V3

                           Изменяемая часть


am/is/are +being +V3

Подлежащие + to be + основной глагол + -ed (3-я форма правильного глагола)

Единственное число

Множественное число

I am being troubledменя беспокоят

You are being troubled – тебя беспокоят

He (she, it) is being troubled – его (её, его) беспокоят

We are being troubled – нас беспокоят

You are being troubled – вас беспокоят

They are being troubled – их беспокоят

Подлежащие + to be + основной глагол + -3-я форма неправильного глагола

Единственное число

Множественное число

I am being chosen – меня выбирают

You are being chosen – тебя выбирают

He (she, it) is being chosen – его (её, его) выбирают

We are being chosen – нас выбирают

You are being chosen – вас выбирают

They are being chosen – их выбирают

                      Отрицание и вопрос

Отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous Passive Voice строятся при «активном» участии отрицательной частицы not (не), которая ставится между вспомогательным глаголом to be и конструкцией being + основной глагол в 3-й форме:

The cake is not being baked at this moment – Пирог не печётся в данный момент.

Правила образования вопросительного предложения в Present Continuous Passive Voice остаются неизменными, как и для других временных форм: меняется порядок слов и на первое место выходит вспомогательный глагол:

Is Ted’s new article being printed now? –
Новая статья Теда печатается сейчас?



Past continuous passive

was/were +being+V3


Единственное число                                                                Множественное число

 I was being troubled -меня беспокоили                    We were being troubled – нас беспокоили

You were  being troubled – тебя беспокоили          You were being troubled – вас беспокоили

He (she, it) was being chosen –                                  They were being chosen – их выбирали

его (её, его) выбирали


Отрицание и вопрос

I was not being troubled –

Were you being troubled? ( форма глагола to be выносится на первое место)


Домашнее задание!!! 

Exercise 1

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous passive.

Look at that! A new supermarket ............................................. in this street. (build)

You car will be ready soon. It ............ just ......................................... . (wash)

You can't see the horses, they ............................................... now. (feed)

What's the problem? The film .................................................... today. (not- show)

Wait a minute please. The dinner ...................................................... for you. (prepare)

Because of the fire children ..................................................... at their classrooms. (not - teach)

I can't use my PC. A new operating system ........................................................... on it. (instal)

The pool is now full of hair because swim caps ................................................. in it. (not - use)

Christmas is coming and much more goods .................................................. in shops. (display)

I'm sorry, it's 10 o'clock. Customers ........................................................ anymore. (not - serve

  Exercise 2 

Use the present continuous passive to rewrite these sentences. 

I am afraid that somebody else is using my laptop. 

I am afraid that my ............................................................................................ 

They aren't feeding the lions at the moment. 

The .............................................................................................. at the moment. 

Someone is speaking Spanish in this classroom. 

Spanish .......................................................................................... in this classroom. 

The red light is on because doctors are operating a patient. 

The red light is on because a .......................................................................... 

They are putting books on shelves. 

Books .................................................................................................... on shelves. 

Look, they are killing the ants. Look, the ............................................................................................................

 Can you see that? The policemen are chasing a robber. Can you see that? 

A .........................................................................................

 I don't know why they aren't cutting the trees today. 

I don't know why the .............................................................................. today.

 They are writing a test in this lesson.

 A ................................................................................................ in this lesson. 

They aren't decorating the hall because Sam is ill. 

The ........................................................................................ because Sam is ill. 

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