суббота, 15 мая 2021 г.

Past Perfect Continuous - прошедшее совершенное длительное время


Past Perfect Continuous - прошедшее совершенное длительное время

Время Past Perfect Continuous указывает на действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и либо закончилось непосредственно перед неким моментом в прошлом или все еще не закончилось к некоему моменту в прошлом.

had been typing this text for 2 hours and then found it on the Internet.
Я набирал этот текст два часа, а потом нашел его в Интернете.
had been waiting for his airplane for 2 hours when it was announced about delay.
Я ждал его самолет уже два часа, когда объявили о его задержке.

Образование Past Perfect Continuous

Утвердительные предложения:

I had been playingWe had been playing
You had been playingYou had been playing
He / she / it had been playingThey had been playing

Вопросительные предложения:

Had I been playing?Had we been playing?
Had you been playing?Had you been playing?
Had he / she / it been playing?Had they been playing?

Отрицательные предложения:

I had not been playingWe had not been playing
You had not been playingYou had not been playing
He / she / it had not been playingThey had not been playing

Для того, чтобы поставить глагол в форму времени Past Perfect Continuous, требуется вспомогательный глагол to be во времени Past Perfect и причастие настоящего времени (форма V-ing) смыслового глагола.

To be во времени Past Perfect имеет единственную форму had been.

Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) можно получить, прибавив к начальной форме значимого глагола окончание -ing:

jump – jumping
live – living

В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол had выносится на место перед подлежащим, а остальная часть сказуемого располагается после него:

I saw many puddles. Had it been raining?
Я видел много луж. Шел дождь?

В отрицательных предложениях за вспомогательным глаголом had следует отрицательная частица not:

Of course he did not want to sleep! He had not been working like a horse all the week.
Разумеется, ему не хотелось спать! Он-то не работал как вол всю неделю.

Случаи употребления Past Perfect Continuous:

  • Действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и закончилось непосредственно перед определенным моментом в прошлом:
We had been working hard and managed to finish the project in time.
Мы упорно работали и смогли завершить проект вовремя.
  • Действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и все еще продолжалось в определенный момент в прошлом:
Her voice started to tremble. I did not realize what a hard time she had been having.
Ее голос задрожал. Я и не представлял, как тяжело ей приходилось.

Упражнения на отработку Past Perfect Continuous.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в  Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. Sally ___________ (type) this text for 3 hours before Mark came.
  2. Anthony _________ (wait) for his airplane for 3 hours when its delay was announced.
  3. I saw many huge puddles. ______ it_______ (rain) hard?
  4. Sam did not even realize what a hard time Molly ______ (have).
  5. Rita _______ (train) for a year and she was very fit when her ex-boyfriend met her.
  6. Rachel’s husband _________ (fix) the car since early morning.
  7. Paul and Molly ___________ (talk) on the phone for an hour when the line broke.
  8. How long ____________ you_________ (watch) TV before you decided to go to bed?
  9. Steven felt tired as he __________ (sail) for several hours.
  10. Zina __________ (try) to find her mother for years but she failed.

Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения.

  1. went / Kate / it / for five years / had / for that company / working / when / been / out of business.
  2. all day / Mark / to sit down / wanted / he / because / had  /standing / been / at work.
  3. teaching / a year / Jack / had  / than  / he  / for / been / more  / before  / at the university / left for Asia.
  4. long / studying / How / moved / you / been / Japanese / before / had / you / to Tokyo?

Переведите на английский.

  1. Джонни выглядел уставшим, так как он пробежал большую дистанцию.
  2. Хелен набрала лишний вес, так как в последнее время она переедала.
  3. Лиза провалила тест, так как не готовилась к нему и не посещала занятия.
  4. Алекс был уставшим, потому что он много упражнялся.
  5. Она долго плакала прежде чем успокоится.

Упражнение 4. Ответьте, используя Past Perfect Continuous.


1 … it been snowing when you left the old house? (for 4 hours)

2 … Eton been working before he retired? (for 20 years)

3 … Mike been living there when Janet moved in? (for a fortnight)

4 … they been studying German before they finaly went to Berlin? (for 5 years)

5 …the authors been working on the novel before they sent it to a publisher? (for 2 years).

6 … Pele been playing football before he took part in that championship? (for 6 years)

7 … the students been listening attentively to the dialog before they could understand the basic meaning? (for an hour)

8 … the children been walking before the granny called them? (for 2 hours)

Упражнение 6.  Make up sentences.

  1. The old lecturer began to speak up. After a few minutes the dean came in.

The old lecturer __________ for a few minutes when ________________.

  1. After half an hour of waiting Larry realized that he had been mistaken about the address.

Larry ______________________ when _____________________.

  1. My father-in-law went to America in 1943. Two years later, the war ended.

My father-in-law ________________ when____________________.

 Небольшой тест Past Perfect Continuous и другие прошедшие времена.

1. We __________ when somebody __________ at the door.

a) were talking / was knocking

b) had been talking / knocked

c) were talking / knocked

d) had been talking / had knocked

2. Ian ____________ at the factory long when he ___________ a manager.

a) was working / had been made

b) had been working / was made

c) had been working / made

d) had worked / made

3. Sally _________ for two years when she ___________ the race.

a) trained / entered

b) was training / was entering

c) had trained / had entered

d) had been training / entered

4. It ____________ and the ground _______ white.

a) had been snowing / was

b) was snowing / had been

c) had snowed / was

d) had been snowing / was being

5. By his death, the composer _____________.

a) had written

b) was writing

c) had been writing

d) wrote

6. Jimmy ________ out of breath because he ___________.

a) had been / was running

b) was / was running

c) was / had been running

d) had been / had been running

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