четверг, 17 ноября 2022 г.

2 курс РИПК 16.11.2022г Сообщение на тему «Мой любимый писатель — О. Генри. My Favourite Writer O.Henry»

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Сообщение на тему «Мой любимый писатель — О. Генри. My Favourite Writer O.Henry»

Подробная биография американского писателя ОГенри — The Biography of O. Henry (in English)

During this summer I read a lot. I want to tell you about my favourite writer. It is an American writer O. Henry. O. Henry is his pen name. His real name is William Sydney Porter. He was born in Greensboro, a little town in North Carolina in 1862. In his youth he changed many professions: he was a cowboy, a reporter, a clerk in a bank. He travelled about America trying to find a job. He met many common people, and that helped him later in his literary work. It happened that he got into prison and it was there that he started to write. He wrote his first story as a Christmas present for his little daughter.

O. Henry is a great master of short story. He liked to write about common people, whose life he knew very well.

O. Henry is one of the most widely published American writers. His stories are short, humorous and usually have a happy end. He is a master of unusual plots and surprise endings.

I read his stories such as “The last leaf” (Последний лист), “The gift of the Magi” (Дары волхвов), “No story” (Без вымысла) and others.

Best of all, I like the story with an unusual title “No Story”. It is about a girl who went to New York to look for her boyfriend. He had gone there some years ago to find a good job in New York City. He promised to return and marry her but he never came back. She came across him in a street but didn’t recognize so much he changed. He became a ruined man and not to make her unhappy he sent her back home. He still loved her. It is a very sad story about romantic love. If you like love stories, I advise you to read it.

Список прилагательных 

1. scary — страшный
2. exciting — увлекательный
3. educational – познавательный
4. weird — странный
5. colourful — красочный, красиво оформленный
6. complicated — сложный для понимания
7. heart-wrenching — душераздирающий
8. dull — скучный
9. unusual — необычный
10. brilliant — великолепный
11. offensive — содержащий оскорбительные выражения
12. impressive — впечатляющий
13. amazing — удивительный
14. entertaining — забавный
15. heart-warming — душевный
16. ridiculous — нелепый
17. depressing — депрессивный
18. powerful — производящий сильное впечатление
19. moving — трогательный


Упражнение 1

Выберите из приведенных вариантов модальный глагол, подходящий к данному предложению. Переведите предложение. Если кажется, что подходят оба глагола, выберите наиболее типичный для данной ситуации глагол.

  1. You … (must / can) go to bed now.
  2. She … (may / should) read this book.
  3. I … (must / may) go home.
  4. He … (can / may) speak English.
  5. The students … (must / may) use a calculator at the Maths lessons.
  6. My mother … (can / should) cook many delicious dishes.
  7. My father … (must / can) drive a car.
  8. Jack … (can / must) play the guitar very well.
  9. You … (should / must) ask his advice.
  10. Kate … (may / can) remember a lot of words.

Упражнение 2

Выберите из предложенных вариантов модальный глагол, который нужно поставить вместо многоточия.

  1. I … (could / am able to / can) sleep for hours when I was a little girl.
  2. Tom … (couldn’t / can) play tennis well but he … (could / was able / couldn’t) play a game yesterday because he was ill.
  3. Where are my gloves? — I … (can’t / have to / needn’t) put them on because it’s cold today.
  4. You … (needn’t / mustn’t / can’t) take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
  5. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … (must / should / need to) invite me next time.
  6. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … (can / has to / must) go now.
  7. You … (would / can’t / shouldn’t) smoke so much.
  8. We have got plenty of time. We … (must / needn’t / should) hurry.

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